Even better, "Marcus Wellin," how about you never COMMENT again. Don't like her pictures? MOVE THE HELL ON TO THE NEXT POST! Your need to insult this woman only proves how you have no character or worth as a person.
Fat and hairy with zits all over her ass and varicose veins a plenty... Just the kind of freaky fetish I was looking for (this is called sarcasm, please don't post again)
Well, "Atuin," I would state that "budzz's" partner left for greener pastures, but considering that's probably where people like him, "Ahab.", and "Poor baby," FIND their sex partners. God knows no human woman would have anything to do with l0sers like them.
Now this is what I'm talking about. So, "totoo," why did you feel it necessary to write that? You didn't like her pictures . . . well, whatever. But why did you feel a need to write those three words? Answer: You felt a need to insult her. Why couldn't you resist that impulse? Would you say that to her face? Don't say you would . . . because you know you'd get a deserved beat down if you did. Grow up.
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Mi Hairy Friend
Posted by: Friend
this is the first contribution of my friend hope you like